Smart Card used in Taipei is EASYCARD
EASYCARD is called 悠遊卡, yōuyóu kǎ in Chinese, that sound similar as yoyo card.
Most Taiwanese don't know what is easy card.
I think you can say "yoyo card" is much better.

Rent the card need 100 NTD for cash pledge in every MRT station or convenience store (7-11 or family mart, etc...)Return the CARD
When you leave Taiwan, return the card in every MRT station, it will return 80 NTD+cash insert
Using yoyo card in Taipei MRT have 20% off, and easy used in bus.It also can used in convenience store.
1. Taipei MRT system2. Almost all of bus can used in Taiwan
3. All of convenience stores
Charge of Taipei MRT and Bus system
There also have a one day(180NTD), two days(310NTD), three days(440NTD), five days(700NTD) tickets. But I don't suggest to buy these, these are too expensive!I suggest rent a yoyo card is better.
Charge of one way just between 20 to 55 NTD in MRT, and using YOYO card just need 16 to 44 NTD.
Top Up (deposit) YOYO card
Every MRT stations have this machine, that can top up yoyo cardJust follow the number
1. Pull your card on the table
2. The one bill insert the 2. You can top up one bill once.
3. Touch the screen to Top Up, and finish!